Release date January 30


HILDEGUNN ØISETH trumpet and goat horn
LOTTE ANKER tenor and soprano saxophone
SISSEL VERA PETTERSEN voiceand alto saxophone
MAKIKO HIRABAYASHI piano and keyboard
IDA GORMSEN electric bass
LISBETH DIERS congas and percussion
MARILYN MAZUR composer/leader, percussion,
balaphone and kalimbain
addition all musicians sing
all compositions and words by Marilyn Mazur, except the lyrics in Large of Voices by Josefine Cronholm
Recorded January 2022 at The Village studio, Vanløse, Denmark Recorded by Patrik Zosso, assisted by Thomas Vang
Mixed and mastered by Patrik Zosso at CYH studio, Basel
Produced by Patrik Zosso, Sarah Chaksad, Marilyn Mazur
Cover art and layout by Doris Reimann
Album cover photo by DmytroRybin/Shutterstock.com
Band photo by Jacob Crawford
Published by CYH

soli: Hildegunn Øiseth, goat horn; Josefine Cronholm, voice; Marilyn Mazur, udu
voices: Josefine Cronholm and Sissel Vera Pettersen
soli: Sissel Vera Pettersen, voice; Marilyn Mazur, kalimba; Makiko Hirabayashi, prepared piano
soli: Lotte Anker, tenor sax; Makiko Hirabayashi, piano
soli: Josefine Cronholm, voice; Lis Wessberg, tb; Marilyn Mazur, percussion
Marilyn Mazur, gong solo
7 — REROOTING 3:58
8 — SHADOW TUNE 3:56
solo: Makiko Hirabayashi, piano
soli: Josefine Cronholm, voice; Ida Gormsen, bass; Lotte Anker, tenor sax
soli: Hildegunn Øiseth, goathorn; Marilyn Mazur, percussion; Lotte Anker, soprano sax; Lisbeth Diers, congas
11 — VINDBAS 2:57
solo: Makiko Hirabayashi, piano
12 — BALI BALA 3:58
soli: Josefine Cronholm, voice; Marilyn Mazur, balaphone; Lis Wessberg, tb; Lisbeth Diers bongos
13 — UNISON TOWER 1:51
drum solo: Anna Lund
14 — DRUNGUDANS 2:23
Solo: Sissel Vera Pettersen, voice; Lisbeth Diers congas
Solo intro: Hildegunn Øiseth tp; Marilyn Mazur, waterphone; Josefine Cronholm, recital
16 — GONGS FOR PEACE 22:09
Mariyln Mazur, gong solo
Her collaboration with Miles Davis, Gil Evans and Wayne Shorter established her worldwide reputation in the mid-to late ‘80s,as did her career with Jan Garbarek later on. But even before that, percussionist and composer Marilyn Mazur had already realized significant projects of her own. Her Primi Band, an experimental music theatre group that existed from 1978 to 1986, left such a lasting impression that the Copenhagen Jazz Festival wanted to reboot the groupfour decades later. This was unfortunately not possible, but the evocative spirit of that band has been letout of the bottle througha new project.
Shamania is the name of the band that Marilyn founded in 2015. Its shamanic spirit is based on the idea of a modern tribal gathering of female musical forces that focuses entirely on rhythm, body and voice in an experimental context and the challenge of finding a common ground.
The ten women of Shamania are among the most independent musicians on the Scandinavian scene, and live in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. When they meet, they bring through their formidable energies - a primal power and fascinating rhythms to the stage and enchant the listener with at mospheric moods and moments of pure amazement. The very same qualities have now been captured on their second album: REROOTING combines 16 songs, a combination of both Marilyn's brand new and older compositions, which have all been, with one exception, previously unreleased.
Each of these songs hasits own story, such as anoriginal song composed for Marilyn’s son when he was a baby, the sunset canon, the world situation, Nordic nights, April 1 – as well asthe title track that was created atthe first gathering of the Shamania musicians after pandemic-related self-isolation and many concert cancellations. From the waterphone, which combines the principles of the Tibetan water drum, the African lamellophone, and the nail violin from the 18th century, to udu clay pot drums, various bongos, congas, the kalimba, drums and tuned gongs from all over the world, to the Norwegian goat horn: the extraordinary wealth of timbres, together with the other instruments, primes the songs, shining out of them, glowing and radiating, results in the unmistakable Shamania sound and, with the brilliant rhythms, form Marilyn Mazur's trademark: an of-ten ritual-type music with an unmistakable instinct for outstanding dialogues, solos and improvisations – as well as an energetic primal force,and the very personal musical language of the great musician that extends into a world that lies far beyond jazz.
Steff Rohrbach
Ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Miles Davis, Gil Evans und Wayne Shorter begründete in der zweiten Hälfte der Achtzigerjahre ihren weltweiten Ruf ebenso wie etwas später diejenige mit Jan Garbarek. Doch schon zuvor hatte die Perkussionistin und Komponistin Marilyn Mazur auffällige eigene Projekte realisiert. So hinterliess ihre Primi Band, eine von 1982 bis 1984 bestehende experimentelle Musiktheatergruppe, einen so bleibenden Eindruck, dass das Copenhagen Jazz Festival vier Jahrzehnte später ein Remake haben wollte. Eine Neuauflage indes war unmöglich, der beschwörende Geist jener Band jedoch, der liess sich mit einem neuen Projekt sehr wohl aus der Flasche holen.
Shamania heisst die Band, die Marilyn 2015 gründete. Ihr schamanischer Spirit fusst auf der Idee einer modernen Stammeszusammenkunft weiblicher musikalischer Kräfte, die ihren Fokus ganz auf Rhythmus, Körper und Stimme im experimentellen Kontext und die Herausforderung des Gemeinsamen richten.
Die zehn Shamania-Ladies gehören zu den eigenständigsten Musikerinnen der skandinavischen Szene und leben in Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden. Wenn sie sich treffen, bringen sie mit ihren erheblichen Energien eine Urkraft und faszinierende rhythmische Ströme, atmosphärische Stimmungen und Augenblicke der puren Verwunderung auf die Bühne – und nach 2019 nun auch auf ihr zweites Album: REROOTING vereint 17 Songs, eine Mischung aus Marilyns brandneuer Musik und älteren Kompositionen, die mit einer Ausnahme bisher unveröffentlicht waren.
Alle Songs haben eigene Geschichten wie das ursprüngliche Lied für ihren Sohn, als er ein Baby war, der Sonnenuntergangskanon, die Weltlage, nordische Nächte, der 1. April – oder das Titelstück, das zur ersten Zusammenkunft der Shamania-Musikerinnen nach der pandemiebedingten Isolation und vielen Konzertabsagen entstand.
Vom Waterphone, das die Prinzipien von tibetischer Wassertrommel, afrikanischem Lamellophon und der Nagelgeige aus dem 18. Jahrhundert in sich vereint, über den Tontopf-Udu, verschiedene Bongos, Kongas, Kalimbas Glocken, Trommeln und gestimmte Gongs aus aller Welt bis zum norwegischen Ziegenhorn: Der aussergewöhnliche Reichtum an Klangfarben, die zusammen mit den übrigen Instrumenten die Songs grundieren, aus ihnen heraus scheinen, die leuchten und strahlen, ergeben zusammen den unverwechselbaren Shamania-Sound und bilden mit der fulminanten Rhythmik das Markenzeichen Marilyn Mazurs: eine oft rituell wirkende Musik mit untrüglichem Instinkt für herausragende Dialoge, Soli und Improvisationen – eine energiegeladen Urkraft und die ganz persönliche musikalische Sprache der grossen Musikerin, die in eine Welt weit über den Jazz hinausweist.
Steff Rohrbach

Shamania consists of 10 strong musical individuals. Residing in 3 different Scandinavian countries, the group mostly meets for festivals, concerts and recordings. The music is created with open space for these musician’s personal contributions, improvisational opportunities to inspire each other. Shamania was created in 2015 as a new and fresh version of Marilyn’s former Primi Band (from the early 80’ies), with her original ideas of a modern tribal gathering of female musical powers, with focus on rhythm, body and voice in an experimental setting.
Now Shamania recorded their second album with a mixture of Marilyn’s brand new and some older music. All previously unreleased material, except for: 1 tune: Circular Chant (composed 1994 for Marilyn’s project Pulse Unit with among others norwegian Per Jørgensen). In the new version of this melodious chant, the solos are by Josefine Cronholm (voice), electric bassist Ida Gormsen and Lotte Anker on tenor saxophone. With its large selection of sounds, Shamania has always inspired Marilyn to create new music, and besides from all the new music she composed while concerts were made impossible by the shutdown countries under the corona pandemic, she wrote two new pieces in 2022 especially for this recording. Shadow Tune, this piece was written under influence of the strange effects of the pandemic and the many worries about the world situation. It is composed as a feature for Makiko, who is a dear musical soulmate to Marilyn. Colored Minds, which is a simple little theme, giving space for Sissel to vocalize freely on top of Marilyn’s kalimba and Makiko’s prepared piano sounds. The title song Rerooting was made in 2021 for the occasion when Shamania got a chance to meet and play again after the long isolation and many cancellations in the first year of the pandemic. This was for a “radio concert”, for the Danish radio - without live audience, and the song expresses the joy of regathering this strong group. The album version starts out with a collective improvised call for gathering before the groovy congas of Lisbeth and Marilyn set the vibe for the song. Spring Princess is another new tune written under the Corona years, and in spite of its melancholic undercurrent, it focuses on more positive aspects of life, such as the birds of springtime. The solos are by Josefine (voice) and Lis Wessberg (trobone). Virtual Towers is another 2021-tune, written on April Fool’s Day, for Shamania as an energy-inducing starting point for free collective exclamations. This theme arose to Marilyn, almost as a physical crazy dance, with the desire to play together with her friends again after the long separation. Main soloists are Lotte Anker on tenor saxophone and Makiko Hirabayashi on piano.

Unison Towers is a variation of the other Tower-piece, inspired by the experience of unused musical energy needing an outlet. Here Anna is drum-soloing freely over the theme. Solnedgangskanon (1977) is an old song of Marilyn’s, always ritually performed by women. The (danish) title means Sunset Round. We hear Hildegunn’s goat horn and Josefines lead voice, Marilyn plays her claypot udu and spacial gongs and bells. Gongs for Peace 1 & 2 Marilyn has a romantic ongoing dialogue with her tuned gongs, which she also has been using in her 2021 commissioned chamber music compositions, and now felt a desire to include them in the Shamania recording. These gongs, that are a mixture of small Chinese gongs, handmade gongs by instrument- maker Steve Hubback and various indian and thai gongs, give out a very soothing effect, and led Marilyn to play her gong improvisations with the wish to bring peace and tranquility to the world in these troublesome times. Largo of Voices was originally written for Trondheim Voices (2009) for a special collaboration in Molde. Shamania’s new version has an Intro with Hildegunn’s trumpet and Marilyn’s waterphone, and specially written words by singer Josefine Cronholm, who recites them on top of the trance-like pattern of the bass line and harmonies, surrounded by Sissels free voice sounds. The Birds are early out is an old poem of Marilyn’s, which now found a new shape in this very collective improvisational piece. We hear about those slightly crazy late nights in the light nordic summer season, where the birds start singing before one has made it to bed yet. Vindbas is an older ritual composition of Marilyn’s, getting a special drama from the strong sound of the unison group, with Makiko soloing imaginatively over the figure. Drungudans is a happy up-tempo song, that Marilyn made to entertain her son Fabian, when he was a baby. Here Sissel is playing the solo on her alto sax, then the whole band join into her fun. Shamamalibas is a fresh new drum riff for the 3 drummers used as a take-off for improvs for first a duo between Hildegunn’s goat horn and Marilyn’s drum arsenal, later Lotte’s soprano sax in duo with Lisbeths Diers congas. Bali Bala (2020) is a new dancing tune made on Marilyn’s balaphone from Mali. Josefine improvises on the theme, Marilyn plays the wooden solo, Lisbeth plays the energetic bongos, and Lis plays trombone solo. The recording took place in The Village Studio in Copenhagen January 2022, A gathering of the beautiful energy of all the 10 musicians together with producer Sarah Chaksad and sound technician/producer Patrik Zosso.